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Do you all know that there is a physical developmental process called MYELINATION in which the child’s nerves endings get covered with a fatty sheath called myelin. This insulation supports the nervous system communication which allows the impulses from the brain to reach their final destination, thus allowing voluntary movement in that part of the body. At birth this is only complete in the mouth and throat, which is what allows the infant to drink. The process of  myelination starts from top to bottom and center to extremity. All voluntary movements depend on the completion of this process. This is why the time frame for each child’s development varies.

The psychological development is linked with the physical development and the two cannot be separated.  At around 18 months to 2 years the child begins to go through what we call the “crisis of self affirmation” which basically means that the child is asserting his/her individuality through being different from the adult or caregiver. This is why we get so many NOs in toddlerhood. So the 12-18 month window is a time when the child  is physically ready and psychologically open to learning any new skill.

Copyright Institute of Montessori Education for Teachers (Guarantee)Ltd. Karachi,Pakistan

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