I don’t know why most schools, teachers and parents are against the cursive script. My heart aches when I hear such thoughts for this beautiful script which supports the natural development of the child.
I cannot force you to change your thinking but can certainly try to help you understand the importance and benefits of this beautiful script.
I am giving this information for all those who think that the children should not learn cursive hand writing as it is only a waste of time.
📌Children who learn to read print first, may encounter some difficulties with letter recognition. Children who are introduced to cursive lower case have almost no instances of letter reversals. With printed script it is quite easy to mix up b and d and p and q.
📌When writing in cursive, the act of connecting the letters that form a word, help the child’s mind to see those letters as a word. The letters of each separate word are connected and there is a space distinguishing it from the word that follows. This will make it easier for someone else, who is reading the child’s writing to be able to distinguish each separate word.
📌Lower case cursive script is presented because the gentle curved lines are an extension of the natural movement of the child’s hand. “Must one begin with strokes?” The logical answer is “No.” These require too much effort on the part of the child to make them. If he is to begin with the stroke, it should be the easiest thing to execute. But, if we note carefully, a straight stroke is the most difficult to make. I am sure you all must have observed this in your children.
📌The most fascinating reason for using the cursive script is that the children who learn to read cursive words first make a very quick transition to reading print. I have witnessed this myself when I was working with the children.
📌Print script is made ONLY for the computers and printers and remember they are machines, and we are humans😊. Our work is to support the human development and it is the cursive script which supports the natural movements of the child by complimenting the flow of the child’s thought process.
I request all of you to support your child’s natural development instead of going against it. The first period of life, i.e. six years is the best time as the foundation of personality is laid during this crucial period.
Copyright Institute of Montessori Education for Teachers (Guarantee) Ltd. Karachi, Pakistan