Cutting paper is an important, yet difficult activity for the child. We all know how young children love cutting with scissors. This is why it is important to acquaint them with the proper use of scissors.
Learning to use the scissors play an important role in developing the FINE MOTOR SKILLS. These fine muscles are crucial for holding the instrument of writing. Cutting also helps develop EYE -HAND COORDINATION as children hold the paper with one hand and cut with the other while tracking the movements with their eyes.

Scissors come in a variety of sizes, so look for scissors that fits the child’s hand. For an inexperienced cutter, select scissors with a blunt edge, and give them a trial run to make sure the blades are sharp enough for cutting. Dull scissors can fold the paper instead of cutting it.

*Scissors are only for cutting paper and NOTHING ELSE! If the child feels the need to cut something other than paper, he loses the privilege of having scissors until he is ready for another chance. If the problem happens again, the scissors are taken away.
*Discourage children from walking around the classroom while holding scissors.

The first stage is snipping which is just opening and closing the blades without advancing forward on the paper. Once this has been mastered, children then can practice cutting short straight lines, and gradually progress to more difficult lines, such as curved and zig zag, as well as spirals.

Cutting up shapes e.g. circle, triangle, square. Cutting up magazines, catalogue pictures, greeting cards to make collage.

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