I would like to share some of my favourite quotes from one of my favourite books about Montessori called โ€œTHE JOYFUL CHILDโ€ Montessori Books by Susan Mayclin Stephenson , which emphasize the importance of involving the child in the household chores.

โ€œAll the activities connected with looking after yourself and your surroundings, such as getting dressed, preparing food, laying the table, wiping the floor, clearing the dishes, doing the dusting, etc. are activities belonging to what Dr. Montessori called โ€˜Practical Lifeโ€™ and are precisely the tasks that adults like least. But between the ages of one and four years, children love these jobs and are delighted to be called on to participate in themโ€. Silvana Montanaro..

โ€œHuman beings of all ages want to be able to communicate with others, to challenge themselves, to do important work, and to contribute to society. This is human nature at its best.โ€

โ€œAllowing the child to participate in the life he sees going on around him is an act of great respect for, and confidence in, the child. It helps him to feel important to himself and to those around him. He is needed.โ€

๐Ÿ“ŒSome of the activities that you can involve your children to participate in the real life of family include: laying the table, helping to put his/her clothes away, wiping table after eating, and throwing things away in the garbage can.

๐Ÿ“ŒWhen the child helps to put his/her clothes away, he/she then wants to take them all out one by one and do it all over againโ€ฆ.and again. So I want to emphasize the purpose of inviting the children to do these activities isnโ€™t to make our life easier, but to build confidence, independence and their relationship with the environment so that they can adapt to it and construct their personality.

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