There are three major components of the Montessori Environment- The child, the adult, and the Prepared Environment itself.

In a Montessori classroom, a large chunk of time every day is given to children for freedom of choice. In the CASA Environment the children are given THREE hours of uninterrupted work. This time is called the WORK CYCLE.

During the work cycle they are free to choose activities that are available, to work alone or together, and receive lessons from the Directress/Guide. There is no interruption in this work cycle. The children are allowed to work at their own pace and there is no fixed timetable for them to follow.

This freedom is given with limits and these limits are around the three Ds – these are danger, damage, or destruction. Any other exploration is allowed. The Directress presents/ shows the right use of the activities and helps the children develop the practice of putting an activity away when they are finished.

Copyright Institute of Montessori Education for Teachers (Guarantee)Ltd. Karachi,Pakistan

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