The Exercises of Practical Life are extremely important for the development of coordination between the hand and the mind.
When a child comes into this world, he/she doesn’t have coordination in his/her movements. Rather, he or she acquires it over time. When studying the concept of coordination, you will understand the importance of the role senses and movements play together. Our senses play a pivotal role in helping us connect to the world in which we live and must be developed since the time of birth.
The senses help us collect information from the outside world while the nerves carry this information to the brain, which, in simple words, works like a processor. After the brain processes this information, it passes the message to the muscles via nerves. This network or connection is called coordination, which the brain only develops when both the mind and the movements are engaged together in some purposeful work.
To help develop this connection, hands-on experiences are extremely crucial, especially during the first six years of a child’s life as this time is pivotal for the foundation of a child’s personality. This is why OVER EXPOSURE to SCREENS and other gadgets prove harmful for children under the age of six years who should be indulged in practical and purposeful work instead of constantly sitting and staring at a screen.
Tayyaba Saleem
Institute of Montessori Education for Teachers (Guarantee)Ltd. Karachi,Pakistan
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